Project Xander is a collaborative initiative launched by cyber leaders in the San Antonio, TX, area with a mission to find a solution for the rising impacts of ransomware, identity theft, and other cybercrime activities in the San Antonio community. Partners in this endeavor include Mitre Corporation, the University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA), the National Security Collaboration Center, CSSA, Future Kings, and Gold Comet.Â
Project Xander Teaches Critical Cyber Analysis SkillsÂ
Project Xander provides mentoring services to 249 student participants at UTSA learning how to perform cyber analysis that assists local non-profit and faith-based agencies in protecting themselves from malicious cyber activity. Faith-based and non-profit organizations are particularly vulnerable to cybercrime attacks. While the students in Project Xander gain valuable experience in addressing these real-world security issues, their resulting assessment reports can then be used as roadmaps for adoption by governmental oversight agencies and policy makers to implement their own cybercrime prevention and security maintenance programs. Project Xander currently covers the San Antonio region and has expanded to include Loudoun County, VA. Further expansion plans for 2023 will include Austin and San Angelo, TX, as well as regions in Alabama, Florida, California, and Wyoming.Â
How Gold Comet Supports Project XanderÂ
Gold Comet plays an important and critical role in Project Xander: We’re providing the communications infrastructure for the project, offering Gold Comet’s secure information transmission solution to include encrypted email service, file storage, and file sharing capabilities within the academic team, protecting them any malicious intrusion. Within Project Xander, the participants now have the ability to communicate via secure email, store their assessment reports, implementation plans, and other proprietary documentation, and share files for collaborative work and information exchange, all within the Gold Comet Secure Cloud.Â
Gold Comet Business Enterprise Security SolutionsÂ
Gold Comet welcomes the opportunity to assist your enterprise operation with the critical communications infrastructure needed to allow sharing of proprietary information, legal documents, intellectual property development and discussion, and other forms of cyber communication that require protection from outside intrusion. Contact Gold Comet today and allow us the opportunity to develop a solution tailored to your unique needs.Â